
A space for the arts and design


Polyxeni Marlitsi | The Hurdle of Memory

Polyxeni Marlitsi | The Hurdle of Memory

The set of oil on canvas works is clearly moving in a figurative form of representation, but refuses to abstract elements, combining both a use of color that in certain areas could be characterized as non–naturalistic. Human figures, children and adults, are involved in a composition that refers directly to the typical family photograph. Colors that thin and thicken. Contours converse sometimes strictly, sometimes freely with their environment. Spaces, internal and external, which host these human forms and embrace them in order to highlight them. Familiar images with the ultimate ambition to create an ambiguous emotional atmosphere, wavering between joyous lightness and melancholy.

Polyxeni Marlitsi was born in Volos, Greece in 1981. She attended the school of hagiography “Dia Cheiros” the Holy Metropolis of Demetriados between 1999–2002. She graduated from the Athens School of Fine Arts in 2010. She has participated in group exhibitions in Athens, Thessaloniki and Cyprus. [Biography updated on: 24/5/2012]

Duration: 9/3/2012 – 24/3/2012